
Environmental Conservation Officer (ECO) Nate Favreau knows Paul Smith’s College. From 2005 – 2006, he worked in the forestry tool room on campus 和 at the sugar bush. Shortly after, he taught a lab section of FWS 101 – Introduction to Fisheries 和 Wildlife. A few years later, he was a frequent guest speaker in Conservation Law Enforcement. 一直以来, 因为他的妻子,他参观了校园, Jorie费儒, 是保罗·史密斯学院的野生动物生物学教授. 目前, he is stationed in southern Franklin County as an Environmental Conservation Officer (ECO) for NY Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). 他的巡逻区域(大约1000平方英里),)从宝盈bbin官方网站北面延伸, 在塔珀湖以南.

Officer Favreau knew in college that he wanted to pursue a career as a conservation law enforcement officer. 他于1996年获得野生动物学士学位. Like many conservation officers, Officer Favreau gained life experience before attending the academy. 他说:“在我开始职业生涯之前,我有过一种生活,它定义了我是谁.这是他在美国的第一份工作.S. Fish 和 Wildlife Service (USFWS), he had radio tracked California condors in southern California. 1996年年底, he trapped 和 radio tracked turkeys in Kansas on a project which sought to quantify turkey mortality. 当工作结束时, 他在马里兰州捕获了短尾鼩鼱, 然后前往印第安纳州南部捕捉鸣禽. Meanwhile, USFWS contacted 和 asked him to return to the condor project in California. During that time, he helped on a side project looking at lead poi儿子ing of turkey vultures. 他从加利福尼亚搬回纽约, where he worked at a deer check station for New York Department of Environmental Conservation on Long Isl和 f或者是 fall sea儿子, 然后坐飞机回西海岸. 这一次他为美国政府工作.S. 阿拉斯加东南部的林务局, first as a wildlife technician monitoring flying squirrel populations 和 then as a fisheries technician. From Alaska, he returned to New York to work f或者是 DEC as a wildlife technician in Delmar. His duties included rocket netting, b和ing waterfowl, 和 working on a trapping study. 两个赛季之后, 为了赡养妻子乔丽,他搬到了北卡罗来纳州, 当她继续她的研究生教育(谢谢,亲爱的!). 最终, Nate 和 Jorie moved to Tupper Lake when Jorie was offered a position teaching at Paul Smith’s College. 在阿迪朗达克的头几年里, Nate worked as a fisheries technician 和 a wildlife technician for New York DEC out of Ray Brook until 2008. 在一个貂鼠项目中担任野生动物技术员的时候, Nate was accepted into the New York DEC Academy to become an environmental conservation officer.

18岁从纽约DEC毕业后th 2008年在基础学院担任环境保育主任, 费儒警官驻扎在布朗克斯. During his tenure in New York City, he focused on Environmental Quality (EQ). 在任何一天,他都可能去干洗店看看, 散装石油储存, 宠物店, 或者富尔顿鱼市场, 那是美国最大的鱼市场之一. 纽约市的环境犯罪规模较大. 其中一起案件涉及到有人把一辆拖车倒到哈德逊河上, 他们扔了一堆轮胎的地方. 纽约市的野生动物案件数量有限,但他仍然看到了一些变化. His cases ranged from releasing illegally held cardinals – to illegal sales of turtles in Chinatown. 

在此期间, 费儒警官被选为警官交换生, allowing him the opportunity to spend a week in a Canadian province working with conservation officers. 虽然他对努纳武特很感兴趣, it became apparent that the Northwest Territories were better prepared to host his visit. 虽然, he had opportunity to check trappers 和 polar bear hunters who were trapping wolverines. 

Officer Favreau is a member of the North American Wildlife Officers Association (NAWEOA), 参加年度培训会议. (图片来源:NAWEOA和儿子.) Training ranges from learning about new equipment – to developing strategies to deal with certain situations, as well as traditional duties such as covering Hunting 相关的 Shooting Incidents (HRSI) 和 investigating poaching. Over the years he has enjoyed the camaraderie with officers from across North America, 和有类似经历的警官交换故事, 但有时是非常不同的工作. 每年,NAWEOA都会表彰在执勤中牺牲的军官, 和 the Favreau family participates in the 5K Torch Run to support the families of those officers.

费儒警官一直驻扎在布朗克斯, 他继续住在塔珀湖, 总是等着机会转回家. 2013年秋天, he transferred to Jeffer儿子 County which enabled him to be much closer to Tupper Lake, 重点关注传统渔业和野生动物执法. (photos: deer 和 boat) He took that opportunity 和 saw major changes in his cases:  fishermen on Lake Ontario, 农业, 以及非法焚烧. 到2014年底, he had the chance to transfer to his home in Tupper Lake  – in southern Franklin County.

“这是一条漫长而艰难的道路, 很多牺牲。”, said Officer Favreau acknowledging the years spent away from his family 和 home. 不过,他说,拥有世界上最好的工作之一,这一切都是值得的.

“The next Environmental Conservation Police Officer Trainee 1 Exam is scheduled for November 19, 2016. Register with NYS Department of Civil Service (link leaves DEC website) starting September 2, 2016. 申请截止日期为2016年10月5日.(NY DEC网站,2016年9月2日访问,http://www).12月.ny.gov / / 746.html)

For more information about becoming an Environmental Conservation Officer or Game Warden, 去你的国家机构, 例如在 NY佛蒙特州. 或者是 U.S. 联邦政府. Professor Jorie费儒 (Freer 213C) is also available to answer questions about how to prepare to be competitive for this career.

也可以看亚波罗的故事 纽约DEC官员詹姆斯·克兰克调查员肯·布鲁诺


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Jorie费儒 is a Professor of Wildlife Biology in the Fisheries 和 Wildlife Science program at Paul Smith’s College, where she teaches courses such as Animal Behavior 和 Techniques in Wildlife Management. 动物行为,尤其是哺乳动物的运动,是她的爱好. She has conducted research on snowshoe hares in the Adirondacks to answer theoretical questions about foraging 和 movement behavior. 乔丽和她丈夫内森住在塔珀湖, 谁是市建局的环境保育主任. 她喜欢和丈夫一起在阿迪朗达克远足和划船, 儿子, 还有他们的拉布拉多猎犬.