
  • 不正当的性行为 is a term used by this policy to more conveniently refer to any form of sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力或跟踪 .  性行为不端可能发生在同性或异性之间.


  • 性骚扰 是一种性别歧视吗.  性骚扰可能是口头的、书面的、视觉的或身体的.  不受欢迎的性挑逗, 性要求, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s education, 作为影响个人的教育决策的基础吗, 或者该行为具有恐吓的目的或效果, 充满敌意或攻击性的教育环境.


只是为了说明一下, 性骚扰包括, 但不限于, 以下几种行为:基于性别贬低的骂人行为, 让别人受到不必要的侮辱, degrading, 或者压迫性的言论, jokes, innuendos or vulgar pictures; sexually oriented teasing or pranks; unwelcome sexually-charged comments or conduct, 反复对某人进行不受欢迎的性关注或性挑逗.  The fact that a person was personally offended by a statement or incident does not alone constitute sexual harassment.  Instead, the determination is based on a “reasonable person” standard and takes into account the totality of the circumstances.  学院考虑交流的语境, 个人之间的关系, whether an incident was an isolated occurrence or part of a broader pattern of conduct, the seriousness of the incident and the intent of the individual engaged in the allegedly offensive conduct.  In all instances, a key factor is whether the behavior occurred because of one’s gender.


学院还禁止“交换条件”(或“这个换那个”)骚扰.  This type of harassment occurs when a person in a position of authority links the receipt of some benefit (such as a passing grade) to another’s submission to unwelcome sexual advances or sexual activity.  它可以被明确地陈述,但也可以被言语或行为暗示.  No person should believe that any other person – no matter their title or position- has the right to pressure another person for sexual activity. 


Paul Smith’s College reserves the right to discipline conduct that is inconsistent with community standards (as reflected in the Student Code of Conduct and this policy) even if it does not rise to the level of a hostile environment as defined by applicable law. 


  • 性剥削 refers to situations in which a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another.  性剥削的例子包括, but are not limited to; sexual voyeurism (such as watching a person undressing, 上厕所, or engaged in sexual acts without the consent of the other person observed); taking pictures or video or audio recording another in a sexual act, or in any other private activity without the consent of all involved in the activity, or exceeding the boundaries of consent (such as allowing another person to hide in a closet and observe sexual activity or disseminating sexual pictures without the photographed person’s consent); prostitution and/or solicitation; engaging in sexual activity with another person while knowingly infected with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) or other sexual transmitted disease (STD) and without informing the other person of the infection; administering alcohol or drugs to another person without his or her knowledge or consent.


  • 性侵犯 is defined by the College as including acts of non-consensual sexual contact and non-consensual sexual intercourse.


    • Rape -穿透, 无论多么微不足道, 阴道或肛门与任何身体部位或物体的接触, 或者在未经同意的情况下口交他人的性器官.

    Incest — non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.

    • 法定强奸罪 non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent (纽约州的法定年龄是17岁)
    • 非自愿的性接触/爱抚 有意的性接触, 然而轻微, 出于性满足的目的而侵犯他人的身体私处, 未经对方同意, including instances where the other individual is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.


Can I be sexually assaulted by my boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, friend or acquaintance?

Yes. The definition is the same regardless of relationship – if there was no affirmative consent, 还有性侵犯.

如果我同意发生性行为呢, but then say no to other sexual activity; can there still be 性侵犯?

Yes. One must look at the circumstances to determine whether there was consent with respect to each sexual act. 如果双方同意进行一次性行为, 但不是另一个, 没有证据表明双方同意的行为是性侵犯.

为了确定我没有同意具体的性行为, 我是否需要身体抵抗性行为?

No. 不需要物理阻力. There is no consent if a reasonable person would believe that there was no mutually understood, 自愿同意性行为.  Some individuals who are assaulted freeze up or describe feeling a mind from body detachment. During this time, individuals are unable to speak, move, or respond to show resistance.


我有很多不同的情绪. 这正常吗??

Reactions to a traumatic experience such as 性侵犯 vary from person-to-person. 以下是一些可能出现的身体和情感感受的例子:


  • 疼痛:头痛、背痛、胃痛.
  • 突然出汗和/或心悸.
  • 改变睡眠模式,食欲,对性的兴趣.
  • 消化问题.
  • 容易被噪音或意外触摸吓到的.
  • 更容易感冒和生病.


  • Shock
  • Disbeleif
  • Embarassment
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • 定向障碍
  • Denial
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • 不合群
  • Self Blame
  • 对攻击者的关心
  • 注意力不集中,导致学习困难.

你有权利得到校园社区的支持.  你可以秘密地、匿名地、正式地举报,也可以选择不举报. 尽管选择与报告有关, 校内和校外都有体力方面的支持, mental, 情感支持, 比如卫生保健专业人员 & 渠道、咨询和宣传. If you have more questions, please contact your Title IX Coordinator at (518) 327-6451 or tgay@ayugu.com



你可以随时向警方报告性侵犯, Campus Safety, 和/或第九条协调员,无论何时发生. However, 这可能对你有帮助你在犯罪后越早提交报告, the better the chances that helpful evidence can be collected to support a criminal case, 这样你就能清楚地描述发生了什么, 警方和学院将能够识别目击者并与他们交谈. 如果你想报警的话, 强烈建议你在被攻击后尽快这样做. Also, if you choose to report the incident to Campus Safety or the Title IX Coordinator for campus judicial charges you may do so at any time and your options will be reviewed with you.

What if I am sexually assaulted in another country on a College-sponsored study abroad program?

The same resources and reporting options that are available to students and employees on campus are available to individuals sexually assaulted in another country on a College-sponsored study abroad program. However, the laws in each country may vary on what constitutes a 性侵犯 and how such matters are handled by police and/or courts in comparison to the United States.